Smarter Will Instructions

Please read Glossary of Terms & Terminology for wills and estates including family provision Australia before attempting to complete any will instructions.

Australian citizenship

The Preamble to the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 (the Act) provides that Parliament recognises that Australian citizenship represents full and formal membership of the community of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Business Talent Visa

Business Talent (Migrant) visas are permanent visas available to applicants in two streams: Significant Business History Stream: for people with ownership interests in […]

Business Visitor Visas

Business Visitor visas allow applicants to conduct short business trips to Australia. Duration and Conditions A Business Visitor visa allows the holder […]

Victoria’s Entrepreneur stream (188E) visa [start-up ]nomination Australia

Business Visas and Immigration to Australia

Australia’s Business Innovation and Investment program (BIIP) which include the 188 Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional temporary) visa targets migrants who have a demonstrated history of success or talent in innovation, investment and business and can make a significant contribution to the national innovation system and the Australian economy.

What is serious crime?

A serious crime is characterised by one or more of the following factors: serious offences against persons, property or government organised criminal […]